
MTF Biologics Awards 2022 Extramural Research Grants

Now accepting applications for 2023 grants to accelerate innovation in tissue transplantation

MTF Biologics, a global nonprofit organization that saves and heals lives by advancing tissue and organ donation, transplantation, and research, has awarded more than $850,000 in funding to seven researchers across the nation through its 2022 Extramural Research Grants Program.

“We are so pleased that, even in the face of global economic uncertainty and ongoing challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, MTF Biologics is able to continue giving back to the scientific and patient community through our Extramural Research Grants Program,” said Joe Yaccarino, president and CEO of MTF Biologics. “We congratulate all of this year's recipients and look forward to the results of their crucial work which will positively impact lives around the world.”

Each year, MTF Biologics offers grants to fund innovative translational and clinical research in the fields of allograft transplantation and allograft science. Since 1987, it has awarded more than $55 million to researchers working to advance scientific knowledge and patient care in areas including orthopedics, spine, sports medicine, plastic and reconstructive surgery, aesthetics, wound care, and surgical soft tissue repair and reconstruction.

“Through our continued support of translational and clinical research, we hope to accelerate innovation and improve patient experience and outcomes,” said Marc Long, Ph.D., EVP, Research & Development of MTF Biologics. “We are especially pleased that half of the grants awarded this year support clinical research. It is our hope that these studies will provide novel allograft-based options for a variety of clinical conditions.”

2022 MTF Biologics Research Grants were awarded to the following:


  • Julia Nuelle, M.D., University of Missouri Shelf‐Stable Preservation of Viable Nerve Allograft for Treatment of Peripheral Nerve Injury Using PEG Fusion”
  • Ozan Akkus, Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University Reconstitution of Tendon Allografts as Monofilament Biotextiles”


  • Mark Haber, M.D., Southern Orthopedics (Australia) “Allograft Augmentation of Irreparable Supraspinatus Tendon Tears: An Evaluation of Graft Healing Rate and Vascularity with Ultrasound And MRI, And Clinical Outcomes”)
  • Nicholas Bastidas, M.D., Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research (NY) “Host Incorporation of Cadaveric Costal Cartilage for Complete Ear Reconstruction”
  • Meghan McCullough, M.D., Cedars Sinai Hospital “Use of allograft adipose matrix for small joint arthritis of the hand.
  • Marian Hettiaratchi, Ph.D., University of Oregon “A Directed Evolution Approach to Enhance Bone Allograft Integration through Immunomodulation.
  • Julianne Holloway, Ph.D., Arizona State University “Improving Bone Regeneration Using Decellularized Scaffolds with Enhanced Immunomodulation”

“We received many high quality grant proposals this year,” said Jeffrey Cartmell, Ph.D., director, Intellectual Property & Grants at MTF Biologics. “In particular, we recognize the following named grant awards: Dr. Julia Nuelle as the Dr. William Enneking Career Development Awardee, Dr. Marian Hettiaratchi as the Dr. James R. Neff Awardee for best overall application, and Dr. Nicholas Bastidas as the Dr. Hans Burchardt Awardee for the awarded grant with the highest potential clinical impact.”

Letters of Intent are now being accepted for the 2023 MTF Biologics Extramural Grant Program. The Letter of Intent deadline is March 15, 2023. Interested applicants can view the Request for Proposals and find out how to submit a grant proposal on the MTF Biologics website at https://www.mtfbiologics.org/grants.

About MTF Biologics

MTF Biologics is a global nonprofit organization that saves and heals lives by honoring donated gifts, serving patients and advancing science. It provides exceptional service, resources, and expertise to donors and their loved ones who give the gift of donation; patients who depend on tissue and organ transplants; healthcare providers who care for donors and recipients; and clinicians and scientists advancing medicine through transplantation science and research. For more information, visit https://www.mtfbiologics.org.
